Works Completed
Innovation Secrets
The first published work was in 2021, a multi author project called Innovation Secrets, “Global leaders building a better world through creative business ideas”. 25 authors contributed to this project supporting it in becoming an international best seller. My section was called ‘The Brilliance of adversity and the integration of the human spirit – empowering others through the navigation of connection’. My work for many years has been based on connection and provoking thought, without it, there can be no change.
““I love reading about the way awakening to more soul connection and a spiritual path helps create a new authetic model for business in all areas of life, lawyers, architecture and caring for others and much more. Twenty five stories of encouragement and light. Very inspiring for anyone who wants to create a dream business from their souls gift. Anyone who dreams of changing the world. Highly recommend!” – Vikki

Star Dreaming
In January 2022, the co-authored children’s book Star Dreaming was published. Working as a part of the revival of Aboriginal language, this book was translated in parts into the Gamilaraay/ Gomeroi Aboriginal Language. Beautifully written and illustrated stories to connect the hearts, minds, and spirits of children (and parents) while exploring the Dreaming, the Aboriginal Culture and the role that connection with Country and our Elders play—what’s true to our hearts.
Mel’s story, ‘To Fly Through the Stars’, holds special meaning for the family; it highlights aspects of how Mel experienced connection with many facets of this. Mel’s family is highlighted here, her mother, children, nieces, nephews and cousins are named in the story; the overall project is dedicated to Mel’s family who have all been affected by the Stolen Generations, Mel’s Grandmother Mei and Mei’s sister Ella and the journey of our family as they walk forward, reconnecting the pieces.
It’s been beautifully received and read in many schools across Australia, overseas and is registered with the National Library of Australia. Images and video’s with Elder Uncle Neville for this publication. On current website
“I loved Star Dreaming, you cant help but smile when you read it, I really loved the connection to spirit it demonstrated, and how uplifting it was. I always look twice when I see a cockatoo now and it brings back that feeling of connection.” – Lisa

Childrens Book Council
Mel was invited to present to the Children’s Book Council of Australia in June 2022 about the published collaborative project incorporating healing, connection, identity and Aboriginal language into children’s stories.

National Indigenous Social and Emotional Wellbeing Forum – 2022
Mel was a guest panelist and individual presenter at the 2022 National Indigenous Social and Emotional Wellbeing Forum in Darwin, speaking on the panel to empowering survivors and families of suicide.
Creating positive change by sharing the collective strength gained from people with lived experiences.
Empowering lived experiences survivors and supporting them to draw on their insights, to facilitate impactful suicide prevention solutions that drive positive change. Developing strategies to focus on and support the families, carers and those affected by the loss of a loved one.
Creating a positive understanding for sharing the pain and encouraging survivors to share their story to contribute towards a healthy and sustainable community.
Mel’s individual presentation was speaking on the effects of transgenerational trauma and collaboration in communities to work toward building successful and sustainable futures, encouraging having the difficult conversations, exploring solutions and the obstacles that we each bring to the situations we wish to change.
Collaborating with community to identify and reduce the effects of intergenerational trauma to help future generations lead more successful lives. Examining the history of collective and cultural abuse and how it can be avoided for future generations. Understanding the health and social challenges linked to intergenerational trauma. Building strategies on how to break the cycle within communities for the benefit of future generation.

Healing Trauma Down Under – with Yemi Penn & Jennifer Nurick, Featured guest
Inside Story
“Inside Story: the wonderful world of writing, illustrating and publishing children’s book” compiled by Sophie Masson, Kathy Creamer, Beattie Alvarez, and Peter Creamer.
The story behind the publication of “Star Dreaming” is featured in the chapter about Alternative Publishing Models.
Inside Story is a fabulous showcase of the richness and diversity of contemporary Australian children’s books.
An attractive full-colour production, it is packed with tips, advice, illuminating quotes and anecdotes. The stellar list of contributors includes writers, illustrators, editors, publishers, agents and reviewers from across Australia.
Inside Story is an invaluable resource and reference book for aspiring writers, illustrators, editors and designers. It will also appeal to anyone interested in Australian children’s books.
Available directly from Peribo.

Yellah Fellah – Exhibition
In December 2022 until January 2023, Mel exhibited the Story of Mei Kim, (her grandmother) in the exhibition Yellah Fellah. Curated by Catherine Croll at The Manning Regional Art Gallery in Taree the exhibition featured international artists Gary Lee, Damien Shen, Jason Wing, and Caroline Oakley.
This work came to be in the exhibition through a collaboration between Mel and Gill which took more than 2.5 years to come to fruition. Coming together through a family connection and sharing their passion for research made this project a beautiful opportunity for them both to tell story truthfully, highlighting the journey, the reconnections, the beauty and the sorrow. Both were very focused on cultural safety and respecting the ancestors while acknowledging the path they had forged for us.
“Mei Kim my Grandmother, had a Chinese Grandfather and Aboriginal Grandmother on her paternal side and 2 Aboriginal Grandparents on her maternal side – her story shows the history of her family, the merging of the cultures and how they moved across the country in NSW, initially from Gomeroi Country near Pallal/ Bingara, and moving across from Uralla and Rocky River, Tamworth, Walcha (Summervale Mission and Ingelba Mission), eventually settling in Taree through the time of Stolen Generations in the 1930’s.”
“This exhibition explores contemporary Indigenous artists’ unique stories of how they grew up in Australia and were moved to express their own experiences, emotions, self-concepts, strength and joy growing out of their mixed Aboriginal and Chinese heritage.”

Photo credit Julie Slavin – photo L-R, Catherine Croll – Curator, Rachel Piercy – Gallery Director, Gillian Oxley – Genealogical Researcher, Mel Armstrong.

Song Translation in Gamilaraay Language
Undertaking certificates 1, 2 & 3 in Gamilaraay, Yuwaalaraay, and Yuwaalayaay languages opened up a whole new world of beauty and connection. Through the deeper learning of language through culture, it brings you into a vortex of wonder. Hearing the sounds reawakens something within you that is old and familiar. Original language is a soul language, the vibration of this is connected to all that is. Visiting different parts of the country, you can hear the variation of sound from the land, the animals and the water. Being taught to connect with these aspects is something very beautiful.
We were required to submit assessments translated from English into Gamilaraay language, the song, “This is Me”, from the Greatest Showman speaks directly to difference and overcoming unimaginable barriers that are created by a confused society, of what is normal and what should fit. Hearing parts of each persons journey and identifying with the similarities, gave rise to wanting to hear the song in our language, supporting belonging, true belonging. Gamilaraay Language taught by Aunty Beth Wright & Uncle John Lane.
Music Video – Parvati Sioux Burns {vocals} and Kiit Watts {music} – translation by Mel Armstrong, First Nations Gomeroi woman.
“This is me”.